Create is a game developed by EA Brightlight studios that came out in November 2010. In create players are called on to decorate game worlds in various styles, and then solve a number of 2D physics based puzzles within that level. Each of creates 15 levels is based on a different theme, with themed decorative and gameplay objects waiting to be unlocked in each (although once unlocked these can be used to remix other levels).
official website
Wii metacritic: 62
PS3 metacritic: 61
Xbox360 metacritic: 60
Each level contains 10 physics puzzles, and 5 decoration objectives that must be completed to earn each reward. Of the physics puzzles, each was divided into 4 categories:
Object Challenges - involve the player using a limited selection of objects to solve an objective. For example a football and a goal may be present with the objective 'score a goal'. The player must then use the objects available in that puzzle to engineer the football passing into the goal.
Pickup Party - These puzzles are similar to Object Challenges, however instead of being rewarded for completing the objective players are rewarded based on how many reward tokens (Sparks) they collect along the way.
Scoretacular - In these puzzles the player is set an objective and given free use of every object they have unlocked in the game so far. Typically there are many different different solutions to a scoretacular.
Contraption-o-matic - In these puzzles the player is required to solve an objective by building a custom object based on simple shapes, such as rectangles and drive wheels. These objects can be stacked against each other or stuck together to create big machines, and can be used to make cars, catapults and all sorts of weird contraptions
When the player has completed all the puzzles in the game they are encouraged to attempt to create their own puzzles, either in an existing level, or in free create mode, allowing the player to build their own levels out of simple land mass shapes. Players with an internet connection can then upload their puzzles, solutions to other puzzles, or simply decorated levels they are proud of to an online server to share with their friends, or with the world. Players are also encouraged to create puzzles and solutions based on regular challenges issued by the community management.
The player made bridge drives into place allowing the barrels on the left to safely cross the chasm
At EA I worked as a Design Integrator. Working on Create I was very privileged to work alongside other members of the design team to provide input on the early conceptual design of the project. I also worked on determining which themes would suit the game, and which objects were appropriate within each theme. I designed the level and puzzles for the Theme park level and the Pirate Level, as well as the puzzles for the Skate park level. I also worked closely with the other designers on the project to provide and receive important feedback as we developed the game. Create is available on the Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, and PC/Mac with an iphone/ipad version of the game coming out soon.
The water wheel tumbles down the pirate level towards the treasure horde
A player solution to one of my contraption puzzles from the Theme park level on the community website
A player solution to one of my scoretacular puzzles from the Pirate level on the community website
A player solution to one of my scoretacular puzzles from the Skate level on the community website
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